Welcome to the IDAA Members-Only Services Site

It appears that you did not log in through IDAA Member Portal. You can still donate to IDAA, but you will not be able to access other areas of this site until you log in.

  • Listings of recovery meetings for healthcare professionals
    • Face-to-face meetings
    • Virtual meetings
    • Email meetings
    • AA, NA, Al-Anon, SLAA, etc.
    • Special Interest groups
  • Bulletin Board for your announcements
    • Educational offerings
    • Employment opportunities
    • Local and regional activities of interest to IDAA members, families
    • Websites and publications of interest

This is a new benefit for IDAA members and an opportunity to broaden communication among members, especially in this challenging time. We can add additional features to the site as needed. Please let us hear from you about what you might find beneficial. Contact us at executive@idaa.org.

Material in on this site is for the exclusive use of members of IDAA. Please make no copies except for your own personal use, nor copy to any other web sites.

IDAA Organization

Vision Statement

IDAA envisions recovery for all health care professionals and their families impacted by addictive disorders.

Mission Statement

The mission of IDAA is to carry the message of recovery to health care professionals and their families.

Contact Us

For more information or questions regarding our organization, please contact:

Executive Director
Michelle Van Alst — executive@idaa.org
Administrative Assistant
Brie Phelps
IDAA Mailing Address
International Doctors in Alcoholics Anonymous (IDAA)
5123 W 98th St
Minneapolis, MN 55437

Follow IDAA

Follow and interact with us on these social media services:

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