IDAA Organization

IDAA Bylaws (PDF)

IDAA History and Objectives

Founded - 1949

International Doctors in Alcoholics Anonymous had its origins in the garage of Dr. Clarence Pearson in upstate New York in 1949. Dr. Pearson, a recovering alcoholic and practicing physician, and his wife Polly invited other physicians and their families for an AA retreat at their summer home near the Canadian border.

Attendance at that summer meeting totaled 34. Doctors from the United States, three from Canada and the presence of a psychologist as well as physicians, made the meeting both international and interdisciplinary. Hence the organization International Doctors in AA was founded.

Since that time, annual meetings of IDAA have been held in early August in various locations around the country. The format has changed to some degree from the early years, but the core remain the same - good fundamental AA meetings. Al-Anon and Teen fellowship meetings have been added through the years. IDAA meetings are truly a family affair for many.

Attending the annual IDAA meeting and interacting with many other recovering healthcare professional helps greatly in dealing with professional issues involving recovery and living clean and sober. There are also cosponsored scientific presentations, carrying CME credits, addressing the state of the art in the field of alcoholism and allied diseases.

International Doctors in AA is a fellowship of doctors and their families whose primary purpose is to support one another in recovery from alcoholism and other drug addictions.. We are self supporting through our own contributions and ask each member to contribute $50 annually. The only requirement for membership is the doctor's desire to belong.

IDAA Executive Director (current)

Mary E. Raum, MD - Adminstrative Director 2019-present

Since its inception in 1949 in Dr. Clarence Pearson's garage in upstate New York, the following outstanding and dedicated doctors have guided IDAA through the years:

  • Penelope Z. MD, 2019-2020
  • Michael M. MD and Ginger M. MS RN, 2015-2019
  • Dale S. MD, 2008-2015
  • Gordon H. MD, 2002-2008
  • C Richard McK. MD, 1987-2002
  • Luke K. Reed MD, 1960-1987
  • Clarence Pearson MD, 1949-1960

IDAA is eternally grateful for their many years of service to the organization.

Steering Committee

The Steering Committee is the governing body for International Doctors in Alcoholics Anonymous as an organization.

  • Responsibilities include
    • Follow the IDAA Vision and Mission statements
    • Membership
    • Financial Stability
    • Annual Meeting Assistance to the Local Arrangement Committees
    • Scholarship Assistance to help members and their families in need to attend the annual meeting.
  • Membership
    • Members include both voting and non-voting individuals. The voting members are the Chair of each Sub-Committee, three At-Large members, and two Al-Anon members. The elected Trusted Servant is the chair of the Steering Committee.
  • Committees
    • Administration
    • Conference
    • Finance
    • Scholarship
    • Communication
  • IDAA Officers
    • Executive Director
    • Secretary/Treasurer
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